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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Kid Gang Up (originally posted 04/23/2010 on my MySpace)

Tonight was pure hell.  But now all I can do is just sit back and laugh about it. 

My children literally ganged up on me tonight.  Six, three, and one...I am almost for certain they got together somewhere in our home and rummaged up a way of stressing out mom.  I am paranoid, I know.  But children are smart.  They may act stupid at times, but they are very intelligent. 

We had spaghetti for dinner.  That was fun enough.  Of course the kids begin having an all out spaghetti war.  Noodles were flying everywhere and I was caught dead center in the middle.  I am sure that I have a little bit of sauce still stuck somewhere on my body or in my hair.  I waited until after dinner to clean up. 

As I am cleaning the spaghetti mess, Dylan decides to find then massacre a bran muffin.  There are bits of muffin all through the house.  It wasnt a trail of was an all out bag of chicken seed on my floor.  GRRR.  So then I go get the vacuum cleaner to get the mess taken care of.  As I am vacuuming, the children decide to run back and forth throwing toys every which way.  I have had enough.  Paper, toys, food, plates, water spilled out of cups, etc. etc.  Like Bill Cosby describes his wife on one of his stand up acts, I am that.  My skin was probably falling off at this point and my eyes were bulging. 

I think that it will be simple for me to gather what little bit of sanity I have remaining.  I decide to give my oh so loving children a bath.  I thought it would give me time to get the laundry together, hook up my internet on my laptop, and clean up the mess.  How wrong I was.  As I am fiddling on the laptop getting somewhat frustrated and confused at the same time with the internet connection and with Norton...Rachael comes out of the bathroom.  But she doesnt look right.  On top of her pants being hiked up as high as they could go.  Rolled up.  She is being very quiet.  Sneaking behind me to grab towels out of the dirty clothes.  I asked what she was doing.  She told me that she needed the towels to clean up a little bit of water she spilled when giving water to the cat. 

Her answer to me didnt feel right.  I got up and went to the the same time, Rachael took off like a bat out of hell to her bedroom.

I turned the corner to go into the bathroom.  There was Dylan with the cup that gets left in the bathtub for washing their hair.  He is leaning over the tub ever so gently....pouring water ever so quietly out of the cup and on the floor.  The floor is flooded.  There was probably a good six inches of water in the tub.  When I went in there, the bathtub had maybe one and a half inches of water.  I wasnt gone that long out of the bathroom.  But the kids made sure to work as quickly as they could....knowing it was wrong....dumping as much water as possible on the floor.  I got them out of the bathtub as quickly as I could, ran them to their rooms, got their jammies on in like a minute flat and put them to bed. 

It has been quiet since. 

Moral of my story is do not undermine children.  They work well with one another.  They work well in teams.  They will gang up on you when you least expect it.  Tonight was stressful but after a while funny.  I sit back now and think about the whole situation.  The spaghetti Dylan looked as he was leaning over to "quietly" pour water on the Rachaels pants looked, as though she was going to a swamp...moments like these are the ones that I know I will look back on and laugh hysterically.

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