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Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Changing of Life (originally posted 10/16/2008)

     So here I sit waiting.  Waiting for the new life to arrive that God has given me.  One of the greatest gifts of all. 
     Yes, in all reality, I was wanting to wait a few more years before carrying another child, my third and last child.  But I do believe that everything happens for a reason.  Nothing life throws our way is a mistake. 
     I wonder to myself daily what this new being looks like who will soon introduce himself or herself to the world.  I already wonder to myself what he or she will accomplish in life, and the greatnesses they will bring.  Jozlynne and Rachael are already two complete opposites.  My daughters are night and day in all aspects.  With that being said, then this little one who will make one hell of an entrance in just a few days...the attitude, the personality, everything rolled into one is going to be incredible to see the differences out of all three children. 
     In a way, I am sad.  Sad that this chapter in my life is about to come to an end.  I have always wanted three children, I just never thought the days would come so soon.  The children that we bare in life, our windows into our own world.  We are their shadows, or are they ours?  We do teach our children more than anyone can imagine, but in return they teach us.
     Life will soon change for me again, life will change for Joe.  And the most important for all, life will definately be changing for my daughters.  Am I prepared?  I dont believe that one can ever be prepared enough for the curve balls that life and God send our way. 
     Life will soon change for me once again, and continue changing throughout my lifetime

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