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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Raised the Same...But Sons and Daughters Different

There is a book titled, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus."  But is it true for children?  As a parent of two girls and one boy, I would say the answer is a definite yes. 
Although my children are still young, I can see the obvious differences in my son when compared to my daughters.  Now I am sure that others will argue that there is no true difference.  For the topic is quite debatable.  However, has anyone truly sat down during a playdate, or a trip to the park, or a hike in the mountains and truly took in the differences of both genders?  I have watched countless times my son play.  I have watched countless times, my daughters play.  The same goes for their actions and behavior.
My daughters are both very vocal, argumentative, debatable, mother-hen like, and independent. 
My son is very hands on, not too vocal, keeps to himself, and loves getting dirty and playing rough. 
While my girls love playing with their dolls and putting on dress up clothes, my son would rather ram his monster truck into walls and pretend to hammer nails in his bed. 
Not one of my children has been treated any different.  Ever since birth, I have offered the same time of toys(for their age group of course), took them to play and hang out at the same places, was just as rough with the girls as with the boys, took them fishing, hiking, camping, etc.  But my boy maintains his "toughness" while my girls maintain their "girliness."  If that is even a word.
I am sure that there are doctors who would argue with me and try to find a "flaw" in how I have raised each child.  I am sure that the so called doctors would love to watch me at home to see if I am more rough with my son versus my daughters.  I am sure the doctors would love to watch me at home or in public to see just how "different" my children are treated.  But the good "doctors" would be amazed to find that not one of my children are treated any different. 
In my "studies" as a parent of both girls and boys, I have found that girls will be girls as boys will be boys.  Even in their ways of thinking.  Will this change over time for them?  Maybe.  Do people change as they get older?  Of course.  Am I a parent to care if my son likes and wants to wear the color pink?  No.  Girls wear blue, right? 
I guess what I am saying in all of this mumbo jumbo is that the differences are there in the sexes.  Girls and boys are different.  Even if supplied with the same toys, stuck in the same room together, etc., the boys will find ways to "terrorize" at a young age and the girls will remain content until they start to argue in a debatable fashion of why they had things a certain way and why the toy should go back to the old way.  For what I have witnessed thus far in my parenting, my son is definitely more "hands on and thought processed" while my daughters are more "vocal and emotional."  What a whirl what a whirl.

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