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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Excuses at bedtime.

You would think that bedtime and nap time would be routine.  You would think that children would listen when bedtime comes around.  Guaranteed my daughters listen, but there are still excuses for getting up.  As with any child, I suppose.
Here is a normal bedtime routine at my house....
Bedtime is at 7 or 8 at the latest. 
Teeth and hair brushed, books read, jammas on before bed. 

I ask the kids if any of them have to use the bathroom before they lie down.  Their answers are always the same, "no." 
I go into each of their rooms to say goodnights, give kisses and hugs, and say prayers. 
Not even two minutes after finishing up with the goodnights, the first child comes out of their room.  Usually it is my oldest daughter, Rachael, who is seven.  "Mommy, I am thirsty.  Can I have a drink of water?"  My youngest daughter, Jozlynne, who is four comes out of her room next with the same question.  Obviously I do not mind.  Then my son, Dylan, who is two, has to see what all of the commotion is about and wanders out of his room.  He gets a drink to.  Then they all head back to bed.

Ten minutes later, my oldest wanders back out of her room.  "Mom, I have to go potty."  I tell her to go.  After she comes out of the bathroom, you can only guess who is next.  And it is pretty routine after that in terms of who comes and goes next. 

Once "potty" time is done for all three.  I think I have some peace and quiet.  Oh!  But wait!  My oldest comes back out of her room saying she had a bad dream.  I have to smile a bit on this being said by my seven year old.  I smile because only twenty minutes has passed and in no way has she even had a chance to fall asleep yet.  She asks to sleep on the couch since she had a bad dream.  I tell her no and to head back to bed.  The routine starts all over again on who comes out next asking to stay up or sleep on the couch. 

Ugh!  Let me see...bedtime is scheduled at seven.  With all of the fighting to get the kids to bed, it doesnt happen until around nine o'clock.  Two hours of trying my hardest, my boyfriend trying his hardest to keep the children in their beds. 

So with potty, water, bad dreams, not tired, noises, potty again, thirsty again, "just want to hang out,"  all of the excuses in the book to stay up...I guess I learned something growing up that I am sure a majority of us learned while growing up...I know my mother said it all of the time, "patience is a virtue." 

As a parent, I have learned to stay patient.  My girls for the most part do not fight my boyfriend or me on going to bed.  They come up with a ton of excuses.  My son is the one that typically throws a fit when bed time comes around. 

As I have mentioned above, you would think bedtime would be routine by now.  And I know my children know its bedtime.  But they just dont want to miss out on the party with the purple elephants and balloons.  ;)  Oye.

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