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Saturday, January 22, 2011

The "Diaper stays on" battle with my son.

Enough apples have not been consumed yet. For my son would rather play naked then with clothes. At the ripe age of two, he is for now anyway, an extreme nudist. He does not mind in the least letting it ALL just hang out.
Let me go over a few examples. So you have a better idea in your mind of what I go through. :)
1) There have been times when my boyfriend and I have had company over. The adults will be chatting, having a few drinks, and having a great time. When suddenly, naked Godzilla will come out of his room wearing nothing but his birthday suit, running at someone like a bull, to terrorize. Of course some smirk about it. A few laugh. Other people might roll their eyes to the other side of the room in discomfort at the sight of my little boy wearing absolutely nothing.
2) There was one instance, recently actually, where it was freezing cold outside. My son decided he wanted to be butt naked. As usual. On top of being in his nakedness, he decides to open the front door, step out of the apartment and then taking off running down the hall of our apartment complex. I, of course, took off after him with bare feet. Because of this action, we now have a chain lock which works wonders when he tries to make one of his escapes. I don't think he has yet devised a plan on building a sophisticated ladder that is tall enough to reach the lock. But who knows.
3) Another very recent moment of struggling with my son. My oldest daughter, Rachael, had a sleepover last night. Two of her good friends came over. This morning, my son decides that he is going to strip. As I am taking care of laundry in the back room, I start to hear the sound of giggles and then pure shock. My oldest daughter starts saying in a sarcastic and whiny tone, "ewwwwwww. Dylan is naked!" As I make my way to the living room, sure enough there is my son. Standing in front of the tv, mooning the girls. I just hope that none of the girls have nightmares now at the sight of little man butt. For they were all cringing and putting faces into couch cushions. Just trying to get his diaper back on after that was a struggle. He fought me on it, tried ripping his diaper off, and calling "mom mean."
It is like this for me every day. My girls never did this to me. Sure, they enjoyed their nakedness from time to time. But when it was time to put their diapers on, they didnt fight me. They allowed me to put their diapers on with no struggle. Oh no, not my son. He will probably fight me till the end on keeping that thing on. I would not doubt it if he grows up to be the next generation nudist.
Well heck, people werent meant to wear clothes anyway, right? If it wasnt for the apple incident, we would all be joining my son Dylan in celebration of being nude!

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